Strategy 7: Student Led Discussion

Strategy 7: Discussion Web
What is the instructional strategy?
The instructional strategy I am using is a discussion web. This is a web used to help students organize how they would like to discuss their ideas. This strategy incorporates all four areas of language arts and gives students the extra “think time” they may need when collecting their thoughts for a class discussion.

Why does the strategy work?
Every student will have an equal chance to add their thoughts into the discussion, which isn’t always the case with all students. Think time is important for all students. Sometimes class discussions are intimidating, but allowing them time to think, write their ideas, and share in a small group first with take some of the pressure off of the whole group discussion.

How it works:
1.  First read the interview of Melba Beals, one of the Little Rock 9 (

2.Create and fill in the discussion web.
Students and teacher will come up with a question to start their discussion. For example “If Melba and the other Little Rock Nine students had not faught for their rights would our society have stayed the way it was in the 1960’s?”

3. Students will then fill out both the yes and no sections with at least two to three thoughts.

4. Then they will have time to share ideas with a partner before the group discussion.

5. Students will at this time explain their ideas to the class during the class discussion.

6. When all students have shared the discussion floor will be opened for anyone to add too.