Wednesday, December 8, 2010

13:1 Appease

Where and when I found it:
I found this word when I was subbing at Gates Chili Middle School. Every morning the do a vocabulary word of the day. Appease was today's vocabulary word of the day.

What it means:
Appease means to calm or satisfy. The sentence that they used to describe the word appease was "A mother sometimes gives her child candy to appease her."

Level of familiarity:
I am familiar with this word, although I have not used it often in written or oral communication. I have heard the word used many times and have read the word many times.

Do I think I should know this word well?
Yes, I would like to know this word well to enhance my vocabulary and in the future I will try and use this word more often in conversation and written work.

Do I think others should know this word well, why?
A word like appease is a good vocabulary word to know. It can take the place of words like satisfy.

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