Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12:2 Demonstrate

Where and when I found this word:
I found this word as I was creating and reading rubrics for the end of semester assignments. The word demonstrate came up often as an expectation that the teacher wants the student to accomplish.

What it means:
Demonstrate means to manifest or exhibit. This definition matches my use of demonstrate perfectly. (dictionary.com)

Level of familiarity
I use this word often in my everyday and professional life. As a teacher have to demonstrate or model what we want or students to do. As a cheerleading coach I sometimes have to demonstrate to my team what I want them to do also.

Do I want to know this word?
Yes, this word is used often in everyday life and many professions. It is an important word to be familiar with.

Do I want others to know this word well, why?
Yes, they should know this word well. Especially if they are teachers. Teachers must demonstrate often in a classroom for how they want things to be accomplished.

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