Wednesday, December 8, 2010

13:3 Inference

Where and when did I find this word?
While reading "Teaching vocabulary to improve reading comprehension" By William Nagy, I found the word inference on page 4.

Nagy, W. E. (1988).  Teaching vocabulary to Improve reading comprehension.  Newark, Delaware: 
International Reading Association. 

What does it mean?
According to, Inference means, the process of arriving at some conclusion that, though it is not logically derivable from the assumed premises, possesses some degree of probability relative to the premises. Nagy suggest that student should make inferences about what a word means by using context clues, or breaking down the word into words they already know.

Level of familiarity:
I know the word inference well, I use it often. I also make inferences often while doing work for school.

Do I want to know this word well?
Yes, it is a good strategy to use when I am unsure of something. While reading I can make inferences, while doing homework I sometimes have to make inferences.

Do I want others to know this word well, why?
Yes, making inferences is a good tool to use, not just in school but everyday careers and life.

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