Strategy 2: Plan/Prepare

Strategy 2: Anticipation Guide
                                                                                                                        Level of familiarity: 4
What is the instructional strategy?
The instructional strategy I am using is an Anticipation Guide. Anticipation guides are a set of questions to assist students before reading and after reading. This strategy will help my students before and after they watch the Youtube video of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s actual “I Have a Dream” speech. (Doty, Cameron, & Barton, 2003,

Why does the strategy work?
This strategy will work for my students because the questions will give them an idea of what to focus on while watching Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech Then after they watch the video they will go back to the anticipation guide to see if the predictions they made were correct and if not fix them and see why they were not correct.

How does it work?
1.  First students will read the four anticipation guide questions about the “I Have a Dream” speech.
2. Students will fill in the “Me” column by placing a checkmark next to any statement in which they agree with.
3. Next, students will watch the Youtube video of the speech.
4. After they will go back and put a checkmark in the “Text” column where the text agrees with the statement.
5. Students will then review the questions and see if the “Me” column changes.

 What It Looks Like
“I Have a Dream”

Directions: In the column labeled “Me”, place a checkmark next to any statement in which you agree. After reading the text, compare your answers with what the text says.

ME       TEXT
___      ___      1.  The speech is about rights for all people in America?
___      ___      2. Dr. King takes some quotes from President Abraham Lincoln’s “Emancipation            Proclamation”.
___      ___      3. Dr. King’s speech was directed to all Americans not just African Americans.