Where and When I found this word:
As the semester is coming to a close I have been working with different kinds of rubrics in both of my classes. Both creating my own rubrics and looking at rubrics my professors have given me. www.rubistar.4teachers.org is a great website to gain ideas and help while creating a rubric.
What does it mean:
Rubric is any established mode of conduct or procedure; protocol. (dictionary.com) The way I am using the word rubric to describe directions given to me to complete a project or directions I am creating to create a project.
Level of familiarity:
I am absolutely familiar with this word. I have used it many times written and speaking. I have used it in and outside of my professional field. The word rubric was introduced to me in early elementary school, because many teachers use rubrics to give students directions for projects. I believe I will continue to use the word rubric throughout my career as a student and teacher.
Do I need to know this word?
Yes, I do need to know this word. As a teacher and as a student rubrics are used often. They are a great what to explain the expectations for an assignment and I plan on using them often.
Do I think others should know this word well, Why?
If someone is a student they should know this word well, because teachers use rubrics often to explain the expectations for a project. If someone is a teacher I would hope they would already know this word well and use rubrics often in their classrooms.
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