strategy 6: Writing to learn

Strategy 6 Proposition/Support Outline
What is the instructional strategy?
The instructional strategy I will be using is called Proposition/Support Outline. This strategy will help my students to be critical readers while reading the graphic novel, “Little Rock 9, Turning Point.” This type of strategy gives students a framework of how to assess in a new way the evidence the author is giving about the text.

Why does this strategy work?
This strategy works because it is an excellent way to distinguish between facts and opinion while reading. It is also a great guide for students doing independent research. While doing research students need to have the skills to decide between information and arguments and fact and opinion and this strategy will help them do so.

How it works…
1.  Students will read an important portion of the novel “Little Rock 9, Turning Point.”

2. Students will first decide what their proposition statement will be. Here is an example; The little rock nine went through much violence and terror in order to receive a better education than those who came before them.

3. Students can work in partners or separate to identify their proposition, and write down the important clues to support their proposition.

4. Go over as a class what propositions were used and what is the supporting evidence.