Wednesday, October 20, 2010

8:2 Phonemic Awareness

Where and when did I find it? I read this word while reading the article "Phonemic Awareness in Spanish, Coneciencia Fonemica en Espanol," by Hallie Kay Yopp, Lilia Stapleton, for my 609 class. 
Yopp, H.K. & Stapleton,L. (2008). Conciencia Fonemica en Espanol (Phonemic Awareness in Spanish). The Reading Teacher, 61(5), 374-382.

What does it mean? From the context of the article the words Phonemic Awareness mean, the insight that the speech stream consists of individual sounds, or phonemes.

Level of Familiarity... This is a topic I am struggling with, of course I have come across this idea before as an education student but am struggling on how to teach this and how important phonemic awareness really is. I think that education students should learn earlier and more in depth about phonemic awareness. 

Do I want to know this word well if so why? It is an important topic when teaching students how to read effectively therefore I think that this is something I will want to know well especially for my 609 class!

Do I think others should know this word well if so why? Teachers, especially ones teaching young children, ELL students or struggling readers better know this topic VERY well!

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