Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Entry/Reflection on Vocabulary Learning

Throughout the semester I was excited to keep a vocabulary journal. I have always felt that I could improve on my vocabulary, and this assignment gave me the chance to do so. While reading, listening or watching T.V I noticed new words more often. It became very interesting to me how often I would be watching a television show and hear an interesting word that I wanted to use in my vocabulary journal.  Many words I used came from my LTED 609 class that I was also taking this semester. Being able to transfer words from one class to the other was useful when writing papers or having conversations. Knowing in detail the definitions of words related to my profession was very helpful. My classmates would include many interesting words in their vocabulary journal that also described important words in my profession. By doing so I feel that I have not only added to my personal vocabulary of every day words, but also to my professional vocabulary word bank.

The vocabulary journal assisted me in being more aware of new words around me. I was constantly looking for new words to add to my vocabulary journal. I feel that I became a more efficient reader because I was always looking for important vocabulary words while I read. Reading educational journals became easier as i became more familiar with words that I either did not know at all or did not know exactly what the definition was. Once I had found new words, it was not difficult to keep track of them by writing them in my blog. The blog not only helped with learning new vocabulary, but it also helped with staying organized and with time management. Having to do 2-3 words a week kept me on top of my vocabulary journal.(until I fell a few words behind at the end of the semester!)

At first I thought that taking a vocabulary test would ruin the fun of the vocabulary journal. As we continued to fill in our vocabulary journals I realized how many words there was to learn. By nominating words and completing a vocabulary test I was able to focus on a few words and learn their definitions well. Usually the words for the test were interesting words, or words to do with the education profession. Learning ten words completely made more sense than trying to memorize 50 words a week. Taking a vocabulary test was beneficial to learning definitions more clearly and using the words in context.

Although I will not be adding weekly to my vocabulary journal, I will still be aware of new and interesting words. By creating this vocabulary journal semester I am more aware of words and more interested to learn their meanings. This journal as taught me to appreciate vocabulary throughout my every day life. Even as a coach I try to expose my athletes to new words every day. I use the phase "vocab. word of the day" when I am using a word I am sure they are unfamiliar with. Before doing this vocabulary journal I had always felt that as a teacher it is my job to expose my students to new, interesting, and sometimes difficult words but now I see how even more important it is.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

14:1 Socially Interactive

Where and When did I find this word?
While reading Handbook of Reading Research Volume III, chapter 24 I found the words Socially interactive.

What does this word mean?
In the book the sentence involving socially interactive is, "...described engaged readers as motivated to read for a variety of personal goals ,...and socially interactive with literacy. In my own definition, socially interactive means the students are working with hands on materials, working with others, and not just reading plain text.

Level of familiarity:
As a teacher I am familiar with the term socially interactive. I try to make my lessons and activaities as social and engaging as possible.

Do I want to know this word well?
Yes, this word is important to know as a teacher. Teachers need to engage their students and make the work as interesting as possible. Working socially with others helps students to become more interested in the topics they are learning.

Do I think others should know this word well, why?
If someone is a teacher I think this term is important to know. A good teacher is someone who can engage their students in the topics they are teaching, socially interactive learning can help do that.

13:3 Inference

Where and when did I find this word?
While reading "Teaching vocabulary to improve reading comprehension" By William Nagy, I found the word inference on page 4.

Nagy, W. E. (1988).  Teaching vocabulary to Improve reading comprehension.  Newark, Delaware: 
International Reading Association. 

What does it mean?
According to dictionary.com, Inference means, the process of arriving at some conclusion that, though it is not logically derivable from the assumed premises, possesses some degree of probability relative to the premises. Nagy suggest that student should make inferences about what a word means by using context clues, or breaking down the word into words they already know.

Level of familiarity:
I know the word inference well, I use it often. I also make inferences often while doing work for school.

Do I want to know this word well?
Yes, it is a good strategy to use when I am unsure of something. While reading I can make inferences, while doing homework I sometimes have to make inferences.

Do I want others to know this word well, why?
Yes, making inferences is a good tool to use, not just in school but everyday careers and life.

13:2 Literacy

Where and when I found this word?
As the semester comes to a close, in my 609 class we are working on our Literacy Autobiographies. This is where I got the idea to use the word Literacy.

What does it mean?
According to dictionary.com Literacy means the quality or state of being literate. esp. the ability to read and write. Throughout my studies as a graduate student at Nazareth we have discussed in depth the meaning of being a literate person. If I were to add to this definition I would say, literacy is the ability to communicate within society, being able to read write and speak.

Level of familiarity:
I absolutely know this word. For this last year or so I have been studying literacy and what it means, how to teach it and how to become more literate myself.

Do I want to know this word well?
Yes, as an aspiring Literacy Specialist I am striving to know every aspect of literacy. It is an important word for me to know.

Do I think other should know this word well, why?
Yes, I do think others should know this word. Literacy is very important in our society. It gives us the ability to communicate within society, reading a magazine, newspaper, speaking to others, or writing an email. All of these things and more are a necessity to being successful in society.

13:1 Appease

Where and when I found it:
I found this word when I was subbing at Gates Chili Middle School. Every morning the do a vocabulary word of the day. Appease was today's vocabulary word of the day.

What it means:
Appease means to calm or satisfy. The sentence that they used to describe the word appease was "A mother sometimes gives her child candy to appease her."

Level of familiarity:
I am familiar with this word, although I have not used it often in written or oral communication. I have heard the word used many times and have read the word many times.

Do I think I should know this word well?
Yes, I would like to know this word well to enhance my vocabulary and in the future I will try and use this word more often in conversation and written work.

Do I think others should know this word well, why?
A word like appease is a good vocabulary word to know. It can take the place of words like satisfy.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

12:2 Demonstrate

Where and when I found this word:
I found this word as I was creating and reading rubrics for the end of semester assignments. The word demonstrate came up often as an expectation that the teacher wants the student to accomplish.

What it means:
Demonstrate means to manifest or exhibit. This definition matches my use of demonstrate perfectly. (dictionary.com)

Level of familiarity
I use this word often in my everyday and professional life. As a teacher have to demonstrate or model what we want or students to do. As a cheerleading coach I sometimes have to demonstrate to my team what I want them to do also.

Do I want to know this word?
Yes, this word is used often in everyday life and many professions. It is an important word to be familiar with.

Do I want others to know this word well, why?
Yes, they should know this word well. Especially if they are teachers. Teachers must demonstrate often in a classroom for how they want things to be accomplished.

12:1 Rubric

Where and When I found this word:
As the semester is coming to a close I have been working with different kinds of rubrics in both of my classes. Both creating my own rubrics and looking at rubrics my professors have given me. www.rubistar.4teachers.org is a great website to gain ideas and help while creating a rubric.

What does it mean:
Rubric is any established mode of conduct or procedure; protocol. (dictionary.com) The way I am using the word rubric to describe directions given to me to complete a project or directions I am creating to create a project.

Level of familiarity:
I am absolutely familiar with this word. I have used it many times written and speaking. I have used it in and outside of my professional field. The word rubric was introduced to me in early elementary school, because many teachers use rubrics to give students directions for projects. I believe I will continue to use the word rubric throughout my career as a student and teacher.

Do I need to know this word?
Yes, I do need to know this word. As a teacher and as a student rubrics are used often. They are a great what to explain the expectations for an assignment and I plan on using them often.

Do I think others should know this word well, Why?
If someone is a student they should know this word well, because teachers use rubrics often to explain the expectations for a project. If someone is a teacher I would hope they would already know this word well and use rubrics often in their classrooms.