Sunday, September 19, 2010

3:2 Ascertain

When and where did I find it? While reading a research article about a new way of teaching ELL (English Language Learners) students for my other grad class.

What it means: It means to find out definitely or be completely sure of.

Level of familiarity: I am very familiar with the word certain, yet have not encounter the word ascertain that often except in readings for school and have not to my knowlege ever used the word.

Do I want to know this word well and why? Knowing this word may be useful in different ways. When trying to tell someone how sure you are about a situation using this word may be better than just say "I'm sure". It is always important to add to your vocabulary!

Do I think other should know this word well...if so WHO and WHY? Absouletly, adding to your vocabulary and having a bank of synonyms for commonly used words is always a good thing.

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