Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3:1 Segregationist

When and Where Did I Find It: I found this word in the text book I am using for my SCAT project (Creating America, A History of the United States). The word was found in the chapter on Civil Rights (p.818-819) that I plan to do my project on.

What It Means: Segregationist were people during the Civil Rights movement that believed whites and blacks should stay segregated and worked against people who were trying to desegrate America.

Level Of Familiarity: I am farmiliar with the word segregation from studying history and the Civil Rights era. I have seen the word segregationist but have never used it in context before.

Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why? As a history student I need to be able to teach my students important words from history. More importantly my SCAT project for LTED 625 is on the Civil Rights Movement and therefore I will definitely need to know this word.

Do I Think Others Should Know This Word Well...if so WHO and WHY?: As American I would hope that we would want to know about the history of our country, even the not so great times. Segregation is a very important part of American history and know how and who faught against and for segregation is important.

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