Monday, September 27, 2010

4:2 Audacity

When and Where I found it... This word is the title of President Obama's book that my boyfriend has been reading for ages, (he never finishes anything)!

What it means... Audacity means boldness or daring, confident.

Level of familiarity... I have heard the word used before but have never used it myself. I was also unsure of an exact definition.

Do I want to know this word and why? yes, i think this is a good word to know and be able to use.

Do I think others should know this word well...if so WHO and WHY? Yes, others should know this word good one to add to the vocabulary list. Also I think that it is a very sophisticated word!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

4:1 Disenfranchised

When and where did I find it?  I found this word in the text book I am using for my SCAT project (Creating America; A history of the United States). The word was found in the chapter on Civil RIghts (p.822).

What it means: Disenfranchised is describing people who are deprived of the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.

Level of farmiliarity: I have read this word before while talking about civil rights not only in America but throughout the nation, yet it is not a word a use on a daily basis.

Do I want to know this word and why? I want to know this word to help teach my SCAT project to my students. It is an important vocabulary word when talking about the civil rights of people.

Do I think others should know this word well...if so WHO and WHY? Yes, people should know this word because it is important to know words that explain our history. They may not use this word on a day to day basis but it important to know about our countries history.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

3:3 Tomfoolery

When and Where did I find it? I found this word while watch the TV show The Big Bang Theory.

What it means: Tomfoolery means being silly, being crazy, acting out.

Level of familiarity: I had never heard this word until watching The Big Bang Theory and then the next day I heard the word again for the second time!

Do I want to know this word and why? Yes, it is a hilarious word and just saying it makes me laugh. It's better than saying "your acting silly".

Do I think others should know this word well...if so WHO and WHY? Yes, it is a very funny word and describes being silly using a silly sounding word.

3:2 Ascertain

When and where did I find it? While reading a research article about a new way of teaching ELL (English Language Learners) students for my other grad class.

What it means: It means to find out definitely or be completely sure of.

Level of familiarity: I am very familiar with the word certain, yet have not encounter the word ascertain that often except in readings for school and have not to my knowlege ever used the word.

Do I want to know this word well and why? Knowing this word may be useful in different ways. When trying to tell someone how sure you are about a situation using this word may be better than just say "I'm sure". It is always important to add to your vocabulary!

Do I think other should know this word well...if so WHO and WHY? Absouletly, adding to your vocabulary and having a bank of synonyms for commonly used words is always a good thing.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

3:1 Segregationist

When and Where Did I Find It: I found this word in the text book I am using for my SCAT project (Creating America, A History of the United States). The word was found in the chapter on Civil Rights (p.818-819) that I plan to do my project on.

What It Means: Segregationist were people during the Civil Rights movement that believed whites and blacks should stay segregated and worked against people who were trying to desegrate America.

Level Of Familiarity: I am farmiliar with the word segregation from studying history and the Civil Rights era. I have seen the word segregationist but have never used it in context before.

Do I Want to Know This Word Well and Why? As a history student I need to be able to teach my students important words from history. More importantly my SCAT project for LTED 625 is on the Civil Rights Movement and therefore I will definitely need to know this word.

Do I Think Others Should Know This Word Well...if so WHO and WHY?: As American I would hope that we would want to know about the history of our country, even the not so great times. Segregation is a very important part of American history and know how and who faught against and for segregation is important.